Running a Cleaning Business

Welcoming New Clients

Welcome LetterA standard business practice is welcoming new clients, but with the financial decline in recent years, it appears it has been relegated to financial institutions in the form of a welcome kit to remind you of all their policies regarding your money.

One way you can get the edge on your competition is by instituting a unique policy in your business to welcome all new one-time and ongoing customers.

The most basic way to do this is with a welcome letter.  Not just any form letter, but one that has been written specifically for each client.

How many form letters do you receive only to go unread in the trash?  That’s exactly why you don’t want to use a form letter in your business.  Instead, put together a welcome template that you can customize.

Typically these are formal, typed letters that include:

  • From/To contact information
  • Formal salutations to open and close the letter
  • Typed – not handwritten
  • Printed on company letterhead
  • Signature from the owner
  • Sent out within one week of the appointment

Welcome Packet

One-Time Customer

To send a letter to a new customer who has only scheduled the one cleaning, it is appropriate to thank them for choosing you to provide their service and also introduce them to other services and schedules for them to consider.  You should have a good sense of this customer’s needs from the initial customer contact and therefore have the ability to suggest holiday cleanings and an approximate date for their next cleaning appointment.

For instance, if the customer has told you they only schedule a cleaning crew when they feel they need it, you could suggest a date and justify it by showing them how it benefits them, such as saving time and money.  You may want to include a discount as an incentive for them to book their next appointment.

Ongoing Client

For a client who has schedule ongoing service, you should welcome them and remind them they made the right decision by including information on how you handle customer service issues, referrals, changes to scheduled service date, etc.

welcome packet template

Today a new client welcome packet is popular. Included in this packet are:

  • Welcome Letter
  • About Us
  • Our Team
  • FAQs
  • Communication
  • Terms of Service
  • Etc.

New customers who receive your welcome packet are reassured they made the right decision and are grateful to have all the information they need about your service in one place.

Let Them Know How Much You Appreciate Them

Take your “welcome letter” one step further and let them know how much you care. Include a visual like the ones we offer for social media posting.

They’re not just for social media – you can use them on your website, on your promotional materials, in your eMails and so much more.

blank line

Beyond the Welcome Letter

Last week I was reminded of the impact a welcome gift can provide when its done the right way.  My friend received a small plant at her home and couldn’t wait to see who it was from because it was totally unexpected.  When she opened the card she was truly surprised and elated.  The plant was a thank you for the referral she sent to their business.  I don’t know how many calls she made to tell her friends and relatives about this event, but I imagine it was everyone she knew – that’s how excited she was!

Welcoming a new customer in a unique way is something you should definitely consider for your business.  It can be as simple as the welcome letter or it can be as special as sending them a small plant or flower.

For instance, I had a welcome process in my business that left my new customers with as much excitement as the small plant my friend received.  All I did was obtain a beautiful flower and insert it into a floral water tube. You can have this done at your local florist or you can do it yourself if you have appropriate flowers in your garden.  When the service has been completed, leave the flower and a thank you card behind with your service checklist.  I can’t tell you how quickly this grew my business in each neighborhood I cleaned.

If you’re looking to start or upgrade your house cleaning business I’ve included everything you need in my Business-in-a-Box… including referral and survey forms.

Join my House Cleaning Business Mastermind and get more tips for your business.

How do you welcome new customers and clients to your business?  Leave a comment and share your thoughts and experience.

By Anne-Marie

I'm Anne-Marie, the House Cleaning Pro. When I planned to build a house cleaning business, I knew I didn't want to be stuck doing all the work myself. I had much bigger plans, like 1) Building up the business to compete with the franchises in my city 2) Training employees to do the dirty work and 3) Having the ability to sell the business when the time was right. Discover how you can achieve your goals when you start a house cleaning business for maximum profits!

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