
Bad partnerships destroy businesses; why you should still consider it for your cleaning business

I get many questions about business partnerships. Unfortunately, they’re after the business has already been started and trouble has occurred! Are you thinking of starting your house cleaning business with a partner? There are many things to consider before going ahead with this idea. First of all, who is the person you are considering as […]


Types of Business Entities for Your Residential Cleaning Business

There’s many ways to build a residential cleaning business, but the type of business entity you define can protect you or leave you exposed:


Selecting a House Cleaning Business Partnership: What You Must Know

You may think starting a house cleaning business with a partner might be a faster road to success. After all, you can get more things done with a partner to rely on…. or can you? When it comes to establishing a business partnership, you don’t want to jump in feet first without taking a few […]